Monthly Archives: June 2019

Monday 17th June – EYFS and KS1 Sports Days

Nursery and Reception at 9.15am KS1 at 1.30pm

Friday 14th June – RKM Class Assembly 2.15pm

Friday 14th June – RKM Class Assembly 2.15pm

Tuesday 11th June – RSC Class Assembly 2.15pm

Wednesday 12th June – RJT Class Assembly 2.15pm

Monday 10th June – Y6 trip to Holland

Please arrive at school by midnight to leave at 12.30am (early hours Monday morning). The school gates will be open for loading the coach on the car park. Please be considerate of sleeping neighbours at this time.

Saturday 8th June – Stoke Town Swimming Gala

Please can the swimming team arrive by 4.50pm for a 5pm warm up.

Friday 7th June – Non-uniform day for Summer Fayre

Each year group are competing to raise the most money with their stall at the Summer Fayre! Please provide the following to come to school in non-uniform: Nursery/Reception/Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4 classes – please donate £1.00 Y5 classes – chocolate donations Y6 classes – teddies (washed pre-loved teddies or new teddies)

Thursday 6th June – ‘Rock Bottom’ Drama Club performance 1.30pm