Monthly Archives: November 2021

Y4 Roman Workshop Day

Friday 10th December

Reception Snowdome Visit

Thursday 9th December for all Reception classes.

RKM Nativity ‘Jesus’ Birthday’

Friday 3rd December at 10am

RMI Nativity ‘Jesus’ Birthday’

Thursday 3rd December at 9.30am

RSC Nativity ‘Jesus’ Birthday’

Wednesday 1st December at 9.30am

Y1 Writing Workshops

Wednesday 24th November – 1AA at 9.15am, 1WG at 10am and 1JT at 11am.

3HP Class Showcase

Monday 22nd November at 2.30pm

Odd Socks Day!

Friday 19th November – wear odd socks with your uniform to support anti-bullying.

3LD Class Showcase

Wednesday 17th November at 2.30pm

3TC Class Showcase

Monday 15th November at 2.30pm